On Feb. 10, 2025, Bishop William F. Medley will celebrate his 15th anniversary of episcopal ordination, when he was made the bishop of the Diocese of Owensboro, Kentucky.
Local News
While on Italy pilgrimage, Passionist oblates visit with mother president
As Passionist oblates, as soon as Monica Rhodes and her sister, Dottie Pogue, knew that they would be going on a pilgrimage to Italy along with their other sister, Susie Boarman, they began making plans to visit a special friend in Lucca, Italy.
‘Never too late for God’s people’
The year 2024 ended with a great blessing with the wedding of the 13 couples of Myanmar Catholic Community at Holy Spirit Parish in Bowling Green, Ky., on Dec. 28.
‘She’s a dandy!’ – Owensboro couple married 75 years shares the secret to a long, happy marriage
Lester and Helen Schaick recently celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary with a celebration for family at Cedarhurst Senior Living, where they both now live.
‘Walking with them on the journey’
As the new spiritual director for a Catholic adoption and foster support ministry, Fr. Christopher Kight sees himself as “bringing the Good News of the Gospel to people who have experienced suffering on so many levels.”
Baby box installed in Madisonville, providing safe space for newborns
On Dec. 16, 2024, Knights of Columbus Council 11132 Father Gerald Glahn Council participated in the dedication of a Safe Haven Baby Box at Madisonville Fire Department’s Station 4 location.
Priests gather for annual convocation
From Jan. 13-16, the priests of the Diocese of Owensboro gathered for their annual convocation at Saint Meinrad Seminary in St. Meinrad, Ind. The gathering provided the presbyterate an opportunity for formation and to build community with their fellow priests.
Pathway of Hope receives ultrasound machine
Twenty years ago, Pathway of Hope Pregnancy Resource Center first opened its doors in Central City, Muhlenberg County, with the desire to give hope to young pregnant women who found themselves in what seemed like a potentially hopeless situation.
The Hope House to provide a welcoming environment for kids awaiting foster homes
A unique initiative to provide a loving environment for children awaiting placement in foster homes has “grown quickly from an idea to fruition,” according to a Sts. Peter and Paul parishioner who is helping make this dream a reality.
‘Make it your ministry’ – Incoming Brescia president reflects on faith journey that led him to university
For incoming president of Brescia University, “this place is deeply a part of my faith journey,” even down to his coming into full communion with the Catholic Church at the school’s chapel.