The Western Kentucky Catholic welcomes a limited number of reader-submitted content for inclusion in the paper each month. Please read the guidelines below for information regarding the submission of articles and photos.
- The deadline for reader-submitted content in The Western Kentucky Catholic is the 15th of the month prior to the publishing month. However, no submissions are guaranteed placement in The Western Kentucky Catholic. Regarding online-only submissions: If approved, submitted stories will be copyedited and posted within a week after submission. All submissions are reviewed by the editor and Office of Communications staff.
- Personal opinions expressed in submitted columns and letters to the editor in The Western Kentucky Catholic may be edited for space, a lack of charity or a lack of clarity, and are not endorsed by the publisher or editor.
- Submitted articles must be timely and relevant to the Church in western Kentucky, and must include writer’s name. Submitted articles may also be edited for space or clarity. Please contact the editor in advance for a word limit, as space varies by month.
- Submitted photos must be high-resolution, sent in JPEG format (ending in “.jpg”) and sent via email. A description of the photo, date taken, and photographer’s name must be included.
- To have your events listed in the WKC Bulletin Board, email information of no more than 200 words to [email protected] by the 15th of the month prior to the publishing month.
To submit news tips, short articles or photos for possible inclusion in The Western Kentucky Catholic, email [email protected]. Please also use this email address to politely indicate any factual errors in the publication.